Klarinet Kerfuffle is BACK!
March 25, 2023
Calling all Klarinet players...come see what the Kerfuffle is all about!!!
Klarinet Kerfuffle provides an opportunity for Saskatchewan clarinetists from all across the province to receive instruction and hear performances that might not be available in their own communities.
FEES: Elementary & High School students - $30.00 Adult (18 +) - $40.00
This is a Mask-Friendly Event. Masks are encouraged but not required. (Subject to change).
IMPORTANT NOTE about Registration:
Youth participants under 18 years of age MUST be registered by a parent or guardian. Please note, the top portion of the registration form is for the parent/adult contact information... youth participant information is collected under the "participant section".
For more information please go to: saskatoonconcertband.ca/kerfuffle.html
Registration Deadline: extended to March 6, 2023. Space is limited so early registration is recommended
Saskatchewan Band Association 306-993-9729
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