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Established in 1983, the Saskatchewan Band Association is a registered charity dedicated to the development and promotion of Band music throughout the province.  We are open to any individual, group or organization interested in furthering the development of bands in Saskatchewan.

The Association represents community bands, school bands, the Saskatchewan Pipe Band Association, band directors, music educators, band parent associations, students, and education institutions.   

Membership in the SBA demonstrates your support of band and the value it adds to the cultural fabric of our communities.   Together we present a strong, collective voice, both provincially and nationally, on issues affecting Saskatchewan bands and the Saskatchewan community.

Show your support for band, consider becoming an SBA Member today.  For more information:

Click Here

Find out more      Access our Annual Reports

Donations Welcome

As a registered charity, SBA relies on the support of volunteers and donors to help support our work.

Thank you for considering making a donation, every contribution is appreciated.  

Make an online donation:

Donate TODAY

Or mail in your donation at any time. 

Thank you for supporting Band!



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